地球本身的磁場就是防護罩, 這就是為何極光只出現在南北兩極(范艾倫輻射帶), 如果沒有地球磁場我們早就被宇宙線紫外線等等轟死了~~
你的問題其實包含了好幾個不同的topics! 簡答如下:(1)太陽風或太陽輻射出來的是離子,靜電荷為正或負的都有,所以才叫離子(2)小至基本粒子的自旋大到星體的自轉,既有自轉就有轉軸,轉軸兩端就是兩極,自轉軸與公轉軌道面的相交角度,自轉的速度所造成的角動量等等, 都和軌道運行有關(3)荷電粒子的運動方向,電場的方向,地球磁場的方向,這三者必須互相垂直, 所以雖然地球遭受來自四面八方的高速帶電粒子轟擊, 但只有轟向南北兩極方向的高速粒子可以進入地球大氣圈,其他方向的全部會被地球磁場反彈回宇宙中. 那些分別進入南北兩級的高速粒子又會撞擊大氣層的空氣分子產生一連串反應而將能量以可見光的波長範圍釋放出來,是為極光!(4)地磁南北極與自轉軸的兩極並不在同一位置上,地磁的產生跟地球金屬核心物質的對流有關,雖然速度很慢(岩漿的速度),但每一段時間地磁南北極就會倒轉,地球磁極的旋轉周期和地球生物的大滅絕有統計上的相關與同步(5)防護罩的概念絕對符合科學與工程, 舉例說如果對方武器是高能電漿, 則防護罩就是人造高能電磁場!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
美國人認為限制農產等低階天然品進口違反公平貿易精神,除非妳是高科技或什麼影響國安的貿易,否則沒理由禁入,只要她證明她的產品安全無虞...日本當初也是在壓力下開放美國米進口,日本農民鬧啊抗議啊~~~結果呢? 美國米根本沒人買, 不好吃啊! 日本米比美國米貴兩倍還是賣得嚇嚇叫,這樣老美就服氣了! 所以大家要是不放心別買就行了唄! 不要政治化影響台美關係(因為老美會覺得你不理性),馬政府已經夠可憐了!基改作物(GMO)也是一樣,就因一篇 Horizontal Gene Transfer 的論文提到基因有可能在不同物種間轉移就被吵成軒然大波, 其實可能發生的機率超低的! 再一個,手機電磁波輻射在密集處有可產生建設性干涉能量異常增幅破壞細胞或造成DNA damage大家知道嗎? 為什麼還用?以台灣環境人物皆密集的程度手機電磁波汙染的危害絕對超過吃美國牛肉得CJD的機率,我之所以討厭政治人物就是這樣,尤其是綠色的草包, 汙錢不落人後,解決問題能力沒有! 再說當年飛機發明後,如果是今天的政治環境,我看一定會被吵成政府禁坐飛機, 核能是另一個例子, 我告訴各位,真要環保就回到石器時代最環保,因為人的存在就是對環境最大的傷害,特別是愚昧無知的人!前副總統高爾被批就是因為偽善,一天到晚鼓吹節能救地球,結果家裡超浪費的!...檯面上批美國牛的政治人物是真懂呢還是搞民粹呢??他們比台大賴教授還懂CJD嗎?
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
FIELD: Time-Space Function (Answer Michael Gemaly's question)
Particles do not directly exert force to each other, instead they indirectly exert force through a Time-Space Function called "FIELD".
There are two or more kinds of force fields we heard frequently. Gravity Force & Gravity Field, Electric Force & Electric Field, Magnetic Force & Magnetic Field....etc! I think I don't need to explain to you what is force. Human being knew Force and defined Force since long long ago. But the idea of Field come out much later than Force. The reason why we need to "Invent" or more accurately saying "Discover" the idea of Field is initially for the convenience of calculation for the energy stored inside the place where it is full filled with Force action such as the Earth ground surface. We all know Newton's gravity force law. If I want to know the gravity force that the Earth exert on me first I have to know my mass, the earth mass and the distance between me and the earth. But not all the time that people have always known the mass especially when one of the object is extremely large such as the Earth. So we want to ask if there is another way to calculate the force between me and the earth but without knowing the mass of the earth? The answer is YES! Once you can measure the magnitude of the gravity force field you can calculate the gravity force that the earth exert on any object that known mass already. Furthermore the Physicist gradually figure out that the earth didn't exert its gravity force on objects such us directly, but through its gravity field first. Also, the gravity field is not constant but dynamically changing depends on the place and time. You will get different values when you measure the gravity field in the same place but in different time even though the difference is very small. This is realted to the movement of mass inside of the earth (lava). You also will get different values when you measure the gravity field in different place but in the same time. That is why we said the FIELD is a time-space function which meant it is changing depends on two factors, Time and Place. The idea of force field is very useful when we want to calculate the force interation between two marcomolecules such as Protein and your developed drug. We called it Molecular Modeling and Docking.
There are two or more kinds of force fields we heard frequently. Gravity Force & Gravity Field, Electric Force & Electric Field, Magnetic Force & Magnetic Field....etc! I think I don't need to explain to you what is force. Human being knew Force and defined Force since long long ago. But the idea of Field come out much later than Force. The reason why we need to "Invent" or more accurately saying "Discover" the idea of Field is initially for the convenience of calculation for the energy stored inside the place where it is full filled with Force action such as the Earth ground surface. We all know Newton's gravity force law. If I want to know the gravity force that the Earth exert on me first I have to know my mass, the earth mass and the distance between me and the earth. But not all the time that people have always known the mass especially when one of the object is extremely large such as the Earth. So we want to ask if there is another way to calculate the force between me and the earth but without knowing the mass of the earth? The answer is YES! Once you can measure the magnitude of the gravity force field you can calculate the gravity force that the earth exert on any object that known mass already. Furthermore the Physicist gradually figure out that the earth didn't exert its gravity force on objects such us directly, but through its gravity field first. Also, the gravity field is not constant but dynamically changing depends on the place and time. You will get different values when you measure the gravity field in the same place but in different time even though the difference is very small. This is realted to the movement of mass inside of the earth (lava). You also will get different values when you measure the gravity field in different place but in the same time. That is why we said the FIELD is a time-space function which meant it is changing depends on two factors, Time and Place. The idea of force field is very useful when we want to calculate the force interation between two marcomolecules such as Protein and your developed drug. We called it Molecular Modeling and Docking.
Fermat's Principle .....
Fermat's Principle is an example that NATURE arranges its Physical Laws toward the direction of reaching their Maximal or Minimal value! (Entropy->Maximum, Light Path -> Minimal Time)
Sunday, October 25, 2009
中文 vs. 英文 , which one is a better linguistic system?
中文的字符系統遠勝過英文的字母拼音系統,特別是在字彙部分.中文的複合名詞意義深且直接.比如說"危機"意指危險加機會,"宇宙"則已涵蓋時間空間概念, 用"功"而不是用"工",說明功的定義是必須有力的作用參與,完全吻合力學...例子不勝枚舉...而且人的大腦記憶圖像要比記憶文字容易,對圖像的反應時間也比拼音系統下的字詞要快,特別是在Highway上高速行駛時,駕駛者對路標告示等只有幾秒時間反應,這時辨識中文字符圖形就要比辨識英文拼音單字快也準確多了...我的結論是,文法結構英文比中文好且嚴謹,字彙造字命名系統則中文的複合辭彙系統要強過英文的字母拼音系統,發音則中文英文在伯仲之間,各有優劣! (中文同音字詞太多,英文則連音嚴重造成混淆...)
在美國這麼多年下來我發覺老外對 Mandarin 有幾種音都不會發,有ㄓ的音像是張鄭周莊鍾詹等姓氏她們發不了,另外一個就是有ㄩ的音, 像玉這個音她們只能發成you(但德文可以,德文的U上頭打兩點就是發"玉"這個音),還有像ㄔ,ㄖ,ㄕ等都不行! 這就發生很多趣事!我們實驗室之前有位來自大陸的余小姐,英文就是Miss Yu, 但老美只能發成Miss You ,有一天我接到修車廠打來的電話:....(前省略).....I would like to talk to "You". 我說 OK! No problem I am listening now. Speak please! 對方急了,No! I wanna talk to "YOU"! 我也急了, YES! I am listening to you now!對方喘了一口氣, 慢慢的ㄧ個字一個字說: No! No! Listen! "You" is a Chinese lady and her car is ready now therefore I wanna talk to her. Her name is "You", got it? 我這才明白其實他說的 You 就是 Miss Yu! 於是我試著糾正他的發音, 但是他怎麼都無法發出ㄩ這個音! 還有就是當初研究生修課考試發成績單時,遇到大陸來的老中的名字,教授就傻眼了,都是ㄧ些XYZ開頭的字, 老美連念都不會念,最後只能拼出來寫在黑板或放置角落由人認領. 尤其一個香港來的吳姓同學, 姓氏的拼法是 Ng, 教授每次都只能念成 David N~G~, David NG 把全班同學弄得哄堂大笑~~~
Nathan: 只能說~中文的發音~比英文能發的音靈巧太多~~所以~也許我們血統中有些身材的劣勢~但至少我們舌頭的靈活度~是優於白種人的~~哈哈哈~
AlexTwc: 身材劣勢? 未必喔! 倒是身材比例是有些不同, 比如說Cauasian人種的腿長屌長對身體的比例,其平均值確實比我們長ㄧ些,但要講身高或身材壯碩程度, 比黃種人矮小的白人我見過的很多啊,這是營養問題! 基本上白種人的長相比例就是全部拉長的, 臉跟頭顱比我們長, 腳掌也比我們細長,且他們習於鍛鍊,故上肢臂膀比我們粗壯....毛比我們多但色淡且細軟....!還有啊, 山葵兄把先天基因影響和後天環境訓練給混淆了,從小被白人收養的黃種人與從小在亞洲長大的白人她們說對方語言的能力一樣好,證明舌頭靈活程度跟基因種族無關,而是後天訓練的結果,中文某些發音對西方人來講確實難,但某些西方語言比如說有用到發舌技巧和連音,對我們來說一樣很難!你如果會吹笛子,就會知道什麼叫發舌!
Nathan: 哈哈哈~Alex兄~~我太佩服你了~只有你能把我的一番隨口胡說~用你的才學壓倒我的邏輯謬論~~我太欽佩你了~~真希望有機會能真正認識你這位人物~~
AlexTWC: 剛剛看了一則新聞還挺好笑的! 巴拿馬環球小姐選美比賽中問了一題是:"孔子(Confusius)是哪一國人?" 這位佳麗回答說:"Confusius是哪一國人大家always搞不清楚,好像是日本人又好像是中國人,大家都confused了, 所以最後Confusion這個單字就是因孔子的國籍而起!" 哇靠這女的不笨耶! 不但瞎掰有理還有模有樣搞出一個典故,真笑死我了! 胸大不見得無腦喔~~XD
Nathan: 嗯~不過我也蠻好奇為什麼孔夫子會有個特別的單字出現~而不是Master孔之類的…
AlexTWC: 你也可以叫孔老夫子"Master Kon"啊! 尊稱絕對沒問題! Confusius 應該是"孔夫子"的音譯,就像你叫 Socrates 蘇格拉底一樣,老外大概搞不清楚孔子的真正名稱是姓孔名丘字仲尼,就把我們對孔丘的尊稱"孔夫子"直接音譯成"Confusius"了! 問題是即使音譯老外的發音也實在是差太遠了! TaiBei 變成 Taipei, BeiJing 變成 Peiking, Mumbai 變成 Bombay....英國人和英文給世人留下多少禍根啊~~還笑我們東方人的英文發音破, 她們發我們的音也高明不到哪裡去~~
Mandarin is the official (speaking) language for China, Singapore, Taiwan and Hongkong, which has been used by more than 1.4 billion people all over the world. You can call it Chinese also because it used Chinese fonts for writing. Taiwanese belongs to one of the ancient (speaking) Chinese systems. The original Mandarin fonts are no longer used today. There are two kinds of Chinese fonts, simplified and traditional Chinese font system...
在美國這麼多年下來我發覺老外對 Mandarin 有幾種音都不會發,有ㄓ的音像是張鄭周莊鍾詹等姓氏她們發不了,另外一個就是有ㄩ的音, 像玉這個音她們只能發成you(但德文可以,德文的U上頭打兩點就是發"玉"這個音),還有像ㄔ,ㄖ,ㄕ等都不行! 這就發生很多趣事!我們實驗室之前有位來自大陸的余小姐,英文就是Miss Yu, 但老美只能發成Miss You ,有一天我接到修車廠打來的電話:....(前省略).....I would like to talk to "You". 我說 OK! No problem I am listening now. Speak please! 對方急了,No! I wanna talk to "YOU"! 我也急了, YES! I am listening to you now!對方喘了一口氣, 慢慢的ㄧ個字一個字說: No! No! Listen! "You" is a Chinese lady and her car is ready now therefore I wanna talk to her. Her name is "You", got it? 我這才明白其實他說的 You 就是 Miss Yu! 於是我試著糾正他的發音, 但是他怎麼都無法發出ㄩ這個音! 還有就是當初研究生修課考試發成績單時,遇到大陸來的老中的名字,教授就傻眼了,都是ㄧ些XYZ開頭的字, 老美連念都不會念,最後只能拼出來寫在黑板或放置角落由人認領. 尤其一個香港來的吳姓同學, 姓氏的拼法是 Ng, 教授每次都只能念成 David N~G~, David NG 把全班同學弄得哄堂大笑~~~
Nathan: 只能說~中文的發音~比英文能發的音靈巧太多~~所以~也許我們血統中有些身材的劣勢~但至少我們舌頭的靈活度~是優於白種人的~~哈哈哈~
AlexTwc: 身材劣勢? 未必喔! 倒是身材比例是有些不同, 比如說Cauasian人種的腿長屌長對身體的比例,其平均值確實比我們長ㄧ些,但要講身高或身材壯碩程度, 比黃種人矮小的白人我見過的很多啊,這是營養問題! 基本上白種人的長相比例就是全部拉長的, 臉跟頭顱比我們長, 腳掌也比我們細長,且他們習於鍛鍊,故上肢臂膀比我們粗壯....毛比我們多但色淡且細軟....!還有啊, 山葵兄把先天基因影響和後天環境訓練給混淆了,從小被白人收養的黃種人與從小在亞洲長大的白人她們說對方語言的能力一樣好,證明舌頭靈活程度跟基因種族無關,而是後天訓練的結果,中文某些發音對西方人來講確實難,但某些西方語言比如說有用到發舌技巧和連音,對我們來說一樣很難!你如果會吹笛子,就會知道什麼叫發舌!
Nathan: 哈哈哈~Alex兄~~我太佩服你了~只有你能把我的一番隨口胡說~用你的才學壓倒我的邏輯謬論~~我太欽佩你了~~真希望有機會能真正認識你這位人物~~
AlexTWC: 剛剛看了一則新聞還挺好笑的! 巴拿馬環球小姐選美比賽中問了一題是:"孔子(Confusius)是哪一國人?" 這位佳麗回答說:"Confusius是哪一國人大家always搞不清楚,好像是日本人又好像是中國人,大家都confused了, 所以最後Confusion這個單字就是因孔子的國籍而起!" 哇靠這女的不笨耶! 不但瞎掰有理還有模有樣搞出一個典故,真笑死我了! 胸大不見得無腦喔~~XD
Nathan: 嗯~不過我也蠻好奇為什麼孔夫子會有個特別的單字出現~而不是Master孔之類的…
AlexTWC: 你也可以叫孔老夫子"Master Kon"啊! 尊稱絕對沒問題! Confusius 應該是"孔夫子"的音譯,就像你叫 Socrates 蘇格拉底一樣,老外大概搞不清楚孔子的真正名稱是姓孔名丘字仲尼,就把我們對孔丘的尊稱"孔夫子"直接音譯成"Confusius"了! 問題是即使音譯老外的發音也實在是差太遠了! TaiBei 變成 Taipei, BeiJing 變成 Peiking, Mumbai 變成 Bombay....英國人和英文給世人留下多少禍根啊~~還笑我們東方人的英文發音破, 她們發我們的音也高明不到哪裡去~~
Mandarin is the official (speaking) language for China, Singapore, Taiwan and Hongkong, which has been used by more than 1.4 billion people all over the world. You can call it Chinese also because it used Chinese fonts for writing. Taiwanese belongs to one of the ancient (speaking) Chinese systems. The original Mandarin fonts are no longer used today. There are two kinds of Chinese fonts, simplified and traditional Chinese font system...
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Answer Michael Gemaly about the 2nd Thermodynamics Law
The 2nd Thermodynamics Law was developed & integrated by a bunch of great scientists such as Carnot, Clausius, Thomson(Lord Kelvin)...etc(You can check their papers to learn better than just hearing from me, for my English is poor). Simply saying to look at the 2nd law in Biochemical viewpoint is emphasized as the idea of ENTROPY (randomness) and in Mechanical Engineering viewpoint is emphasized as the idea of Heat Engine Efficiency. It affirmed that the heat will spontaneously go to the place of low temperature from high temperature and fill into the surrounding environment to form a final but homogeneous thermo-equillibrium-status. The 2nd law is regarded as an essence of our nature (it pointed out the proceeding direction of time flow) therefore it predicted a final thermo-status with extremely high temperature and maximum randomness of the destiny of our Universe which also called HEAT DEATH. This idea violated and defied the existence of Heaven of Christianity.
Again, any ordered structure has the tendency to fall apart according to the 2nd law (to increase the total entropy of system). We need to consume energy to resist this kind of nature and maintain the homeostatic structures. It doesn't matter what kind of the way that you adopted to input the energy into your body (hot shower, eating food...) to do works (the work in our body is Symbolic metabolism). Once you stop ingesting energy into your body you will be dead soon. But not all energy that you gained from food or whatever methods can 100% convert to useful works, it has more or less to convert to heat and soon release into our surrounding environment therefore the total entropy of system (we + environment) is still increased. Think Entropy as the "Waste Heat" will be more easier for you guys to understand the 2nd Thermodynamics Law.
Again, any ordered structure has the tendency to fall apart according to the 2nd law (to increase the total entropy of system). We need to consume energy to resist this kind of nature and maintain the homeostatic structures. It doesn't matter what kind of the way that you adopted to input the energy into your body (hot shower, eating food...) to do works (the work in our body is Symbolic metabolism). Once you stop ingesting energy into your body you will be dead soon. But not all energy that you gained from food or whatever methods can 100% convert to useful works, it has more or less to convert to heat and soon release into our surrounding environment therefore the total entropy of system (we + environment) is still increased. Think Entropy as the "Waste Heat" will be more easier for you guys to understand the 2nd Thermodynamics Law.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
近一百多年來影響人類物質文明最重要的科學領域, 我個人認為是"熱力學","電磁學",和"量子力學"! 熱力學是探討與研究能量的科學, 電磁學的應用則最多最廣, 而量子力學則幾乎主導了稍後所有其他科技的發展與運用, 事實上正是古典力學與電磁學的研究才催生出量子力學, 今天的材料科技,光電應用,生物科技,微電子科技等全拜量子力學之賜! 眼尖的人應該發現我為何不提相對論? 相對論對拓展人類的物理觀念有卓越的貢獻, 但對近世三大科技(電腦科技,遺傳工程,奈米科技)發展應用的貢獻則不如量子力學!
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